Benefits of joining...
If you're obsessed with your dog and love making content, why not join the Pack? Our community of passionate pooch parents get access to exclusive discounts and rewards, whilst completing tasks and earning commission for sharing a love of all things Pooch & Mutt

Benefits of Joining
- Free product vouchers
- Discount link for your followers
- Earn commission
- Feature on our socials
- Invites to photoshoots & events
- Early access to new products
- Connect with other pooch ambassadors
- Free product vouchers
- Discount link for your followers
- Earn commission
- Feature on our socials
- Invites to photoshoots & events
- Early access to new products
- Connect with other pooch ambassadors
We're looking for...
- UK based Dog parents with a love of Pooch & Mutt
- Passionate content creators
- Over 2k followers on Instagram or TikTok
- Aged over 18
The Programme
Complete tasks to earn points, and level up through the tiers whilst unlocking exclusive rewards!