Dog’s Anal Glands: Common Problems & Treatment

Updated 19 February 2025
Read time: 6 mins
article author
Written by Dr. Linda Simon MVB MRCVS
Team Vet
article author
Reviewed by Elle Padgham
Communications Lead

For some individual pets, anal glands can become problematic and owners must be aware of what they are and what can go wrong with them.



What are anal glands in dogs?

Dog anal glands are small sacs; about the size of a cherry, that sit inside the anus. If we were to say the anus was a clock face, the glands are found at about 4 and 8 o’clock.

The sacs are lined with sebaceous glands and they produce a strong, foul-smelling liquid that dogs use to mark territory and communicate with other dogs in the vicinity.

Anal glands cannot be seen externally and can only be felt by inserting fingers into the anus.  This is done with a gloved hand, using lubricant to minimise discomfort.


What causes anal gland problems in dogs


  •  Blockages

Sometimes, the fluid inside the gland is not expressed and it builds up, causing a blockage.
    • Infections

      The gland can become infected, leading to discomfort, an elevated temperature and swelling of the gland.
    • Ruptured abscesses

      An advanced infection can cause the gland to swell with pus and to then ulcerate onto the skin. The owner will see a small hole in the skin that is oozing blood and pus.
    • Cancer

      An adenocarcinoma is the most common type of tumour to affect the anal sac. These tumours frequently cause elevated calcium levels and signs such as excess thirst and weakness.


    Symptoms of blocked anal glands in dogs

    One of the quintessential signs of anal gland issues is ‘the scoot’. Scooting or bum dragging is a dog’s way of trying to relieve the irritation they are feeling. Many owners mistakenly assume that this is a sign of worms, but it is simply an indication that the anal area is very irritated.

    You might notice your dog sitting down abruptly and/or quickly looking behind them with an alert or concerned expression on their face.

    A swelling may be visible around the anus and we might also detect a fishy smelling, brown discharge being leaked from the anus.

    Some dogs will stretch to lick and chew at their back end. While some can reach, others may lick and chew their rump and legs instead. This can lead to fur loss and red skin.


    Are any breeds at increased risk?

    We see anal gland issues much more commonly in small breeds, due to their conformation. They seem to be more prone to narrow openings of the anal glands. Obese dogs are also at higher risk. This is thought to be due to them having weaker muscles.

    It is relatively uncommon for larger breeds to suffer with chronic anal gland issues, but it certainly happens.

    Pedigree dogs are at highest risk. This is likely due to the fact that atopic dermatitis (allergies) is more common in these dogs and anal gland issues go hand in hand with atopy.



    Do puppies need their glands expressed?

    Just like older dogs, a puppy’s anal gland shouldn’t cause them any pain, discomfort or distress unless they need emptying.

    If your puppy’s suffering from full anal glands, they may display the same symptoms as older dogs including scooting, licking the area, straining when pooping or a strong, fishy odour.

    However, you should also note that these are also symptoms of food allergies or worms since puppies very commonly contract worms.

    If you suspect your puppy has worms, be sure to check their poop for any white flecks or spaghetti-like worms, and speak to your vet for worming treatment and advice. To find out more about treating your puppy for worms, check out our article; ‘Identifying and treating worms in puppies’.

    If you suspect that your puppy needs their anal glands expressed, be sure to contact your vet. You could follow the aforementioned advice to do it yourself at home, but with a puppy being so small and wriggly, taking them to a vet will be easier and ensure a safe procedure.


    How to express dog anal glands

    Anal glands will need to be squeezed and emptied if they are impacted. This is something owners can be taught to safely do at home. We should only empty glands that require emptying; if the dog has no anal gland issues, there is no need to empty them.


    • When emptying glands at home, prepare yourself before getting your dog. Make sure you have disposable gloves, paper towel and some lubricant such as KY jelly or vaseline.

    • The easiest place to empty glands is in the bath! Ideally you would have one person holding the dogs shoulders forward and praising them. They can also reward them with high value treats las they stay calm.

    • If you imagine the anus is a clock face, each gland is located at 4 and 8 o'clock. Gently insert your thumb into the anus, steadying the anal gland with your pointer finger, which will be on the outside of the anus.

    • Squeeze with firm pressure, releasing all of the contents onto a tissue. You will feel the gland shrinking from the size of a grape to a small 'empty balloon'.

    • As this can be a strange sensation, your dog may try to run or jump, so ensure they are being held firmly.
    • Reward your doggy. You are done!


    Many owners are (understandably) not confident to empty the glands at home and this is always something a vet will be happy to do. Some dogs require their glands to be emptied very regularly (every 4 to 6 weeks), while others may only need it a few times in their life.

    If there is an infection, the dog will need a course of antibiotics and anti inflammatories.

    A dog who is licking at their back end due to the discomfort should be given a buster collar to protect the surrounding skin and tissue.

    Uncommonly, surgery is needed to treat ongoing anal gland issues, particularly if they cannot be managed medically and are significantly affecting a dog’s quality of life.


    How can you prevent dog anal gland issues?

    Thankfully, there are lots of things we can do to help prevent anal gland issues. This includes:


    • Feeding a high quality diet with ample fibre and supplementing the diet with fibre if needed. This helps keep the stool solid, ensuring the glands are naturally expressed when the dog passes stool.

    • Providing ample exercise. Not only will this prevent a dog becoming over-weight, exercise aids in gut health and helps promote healthy bowel movements.

    • Preventing obesity. Consider a slimming diet such as Pooch & Mutt’s Slim & Slender if your dog is over weight. This high fibre weight loss diet helps stave off hunger and can speed up weight loss.

    • Schedule regular check ups. You can ask your vet to check your dog’s glands during their routine checks and you may also need to book them in for regular ‘anal gland checks’.



    How do you know if your dog needs his anal glands expressed?

    Your dog will usually let you know something is amiss by scooting their bum along the ground and stopping abruptly to look quickly at their back end. They may also lick or chew obsessively at their back end.

    What happens when a dog’s anal glands are full?

    Full anal glands cause discomfort and can quickly become infected, leading to an abscess forming. If not treated on time, the abscess can burst out onto the skin.

    How often should you express dogs’ anal glands?

    Most dogs never need their glands expressed. The fluid is released naturally when they pass stool. However, some dogs will need their glands emptied for them. This can be an infrequent occurrence (once or twice a year) or something that is done every 4-6 weeks. It all depends on the individual.

    Comments (48)

    Pooch Admin

    Hi Linda,

    We would advise raising this with your own vet, as they know your pets history and would be best to comment on this. If there is anything we can help with in relation to your dogs diet, please let us know :)

    Team Pooch - Jan 17 2024

    Our 6 year old Maltese started dropping little poop nuggets (size of a marble; normal consistency) after eating, sleeping (dropping them all day – recently). She does have pancreatitis, so eats a low fat prescription kibble diet. She seems unaware that the nugget is beginning to come out – and begins to shake as it finishes forming (I believe she thinks she’s done something wrong). The vet has cleaned her anal glands and suggested adding psyllium powder to her food. We’ve done this for a couple of months, but it seem to have done nothing at all (and sticks all over in the hair around her mouth). We quickly take her outside to let her finish (after one falls) – but she never thinks she has anything left to excrete. 10 or 15 minutes later, it will be the same thing. We can almost walk behind her, and use a tissue to catch them as
    they fall out. Is there anything that you can think of that would help? Thank you.

    Kathy - Feb 08 2024

    My dog has an annul abcese and is on antibiotics and anti inflammatory but has not been able to pass a poo for 24 hours is this normal

    Shirley - Feb 08 2024
    Pooch Admin

    Hi Kathy, as you have tried what the vet has already suggested, we would advise checking back in with them for further advice, as they will know your pets history and be in the best place to advise. :)

    Team Pooch - Feb 08 2024

    Hello, my vet thought my dogs anal glands were infected so she prescribed antibiotics and anti inflammatory medications. He seemed to feel better, was licking the area less but now he’s back at the licking of his anus. Could it take another round of antibiotics to clear an infection? I need to bring him back In for a recheck
    He has never had anal gland issues in his 8 wonderful years of life – we rarely ever need to express his glands, I think he has had it done twice.

    Jen - Mar 07 2024

    Hi my female dog wake up with pee spot we’re she lays every night.. usually on my you another load of laundry

    Lorraine - Mar 05 2024
    Pooch Admin

    Hi Jen,
    We would advise speaking to your vet regarding this as they know your pets history. It might be that they need a higher fibre diet, to help with the emptying of their anal glands. :)

    Team Pooch - Mar 07 2024

    My 4 year old dog got an anal gland removed 5 weeks ago and he is still oozing out of the surgical wound. He has been back on antibiotics but he is still oozing. Is this normal. How long does it take for the wound to heal.

    Christine - Mar 13 2024
    Pooch Admin

    Hi Christine,
    We would advise speaking with your vet regarding this, as every dogs recovery is different and they would be best to advise. :)

    Team Pooch - Mar 13 2024

    Is there always an underlying cause for anal leakage? My dog was severely overweight (due to her prior owners) & has since lost about 25 lbs. She also just had corkscrew removal surgery. Now her anal glands have become a huge issue. Her poop is solid and her glands were empty when the vet checked. The vet said that this was part of her new “construct” & just something I would have to deal with. The surgeon said everything looked great and she retained full sphincter control.
    So my basic question is do dogs anal glands leak for no reason? Shouldn’t there be a reason why this is happening? It doesn’t seem like something that I should just have to “deal with”. Thanks

    Sophie - Mar 21 2024
    Pooch Admin

    Hi Sophie, it’s also to do with the dogs build etc, as well as diet. This does sound like it could potentially be an issue you may have to deal with if the anal glands were empty and that is what the vet has advised, but adding a pro-biotic may help potentially here. :)

    Team Pooch - Mar 21 2024

    My dog’s anal gland we emptied by the vet 2 days ago since he was having discharge and licking his end after the discharge. He has had no relief after 2 days. His glands are still discharging throughout the day. I keep think they can not be impacted since they were released and also since they keep discharging. This happens all day. Any suggestions

    Christine Ireland - Jul 02 2024
    Pooch Admin

    Hi Christine,
    As you have recently visited your vet and had their glands emptied, we would advise contacting them regarding this and hopefully they may be able to offer some help.

    Team Pooch - Jul 02 2024

    I have a pug, and I just had her expressed and she is already scooting and looking back as if something is bothering her. She gets her glands expressed monthly , I am very worried that something is wrong . She also has allergies and gets a shot every six weeks , we have just started those again and she’s had two so far , also she has had bladder stone surgery twice and can only eat a canned food that I get from my vet , . She has been eating cooked chicken ( no skin ) with her food for the past 9 months , I checked with my vet first and he thought it was ok. Ok so I have a six year old baby that I’ve spent a ton of money on but that’s ok , I love her and I chose her and she is my best friend. This acting like her booty hurts has me super worried tho . Please give me any info or tips . Thank you Brenda J Bolin

    Brenda Bolin - Jul 09 2024
    Pooch Admin

    Hi Brenda,

    Due to your vet advising specific food for your pooch, it would be best to speak with them in regards to any advice on whether there is any supplements or specific food you could give them to help here, hopefully they can offer you some advice. :)

    Team Pooch - Jul 09 2024

    Hi, I gave my dog pet lab chews and ever since her anal glands leak all the time, the vet said to stop giving her them and this a month ago, and her anal glands is constantly leaking to the point I have to keep pants on her all the time, as the smell is so bad, what can I do to stop the leaking, as it’s dripping out all the time

    Janette Taylor - Aug 30 2024
    Pooch Admin

    Hi Janette,
    As the symptoms are still occurring after stopping the product, we would advise speaking with your vet regarding treatment for this.

    Team Pooch - Aug 30 2024

    Which Pooch & Mutt food is best suited for a dog with anal gland issues – are they all high fibre?
    Thank you

    Sarah Barry - Sep 24 2024
    Pooch Admin

    Hi Sarah,
    We would advise ensuring they are on a high fibre diet such as our Health & Digestion dry food, which contributes to firm stools and the natural expression of anal glands. :) If you would like to discuss this further, please do reach out to the team on [email protected]

    Team Pooch - Sep 24 2024

    Hi The fishy smell that often comes from my 4.5 year old Cockapoo is undoubtedly her anal glands as I think she expresses them now and then herself but regrettably more so recently. I do take her to the vet every couple of months to have them expressed and more often than not they inform me there is hardly anything in them. I’ve always used P&M kibble e.g. health and digestion, calm and relaxed and in earlier years slim and slender. As she will not eat kibble on its own and I thought it was perhaps the larger size kibble that put her off, I recently changed her to Primal, the much smaller size kibble, albeit still having to tempt her with some other wet incentive on top. However, her poos just very recently have been much smaller, sometimes looser, than normal and was wondering if the change of food is perhaps contributing to that and consequently the increase the anal issues. Is it possible that Primal is perhaps not the best choice for her given her anal issues and maybe more protein in it than fibre which she maybe needs. Any advice would be appreciated.

    Lorraine - Oct 31 2024

    Hi my dog suffering with anal glans took her to the vets 2 weeks ago said she needs to be flushed but still got problems vets don’t want to know

    Irene - Oct 31 2024
    Pooch Admin

    Hi Lorraine, If your pooches stools are seeming loose, this could mean she has a slight intolerance to an ingredient or that the food may be a little rich for her. She could indeed also require more fibre to bulk up her stools, and our Health & Digestion range may be more suitable. You could also look at our Bionic Biotic supplement which could also be beneficial if your pooch has no intolerance to grains. Please do reach out to the team at [email protected] for further advice and they will be more than happy to help :)

    Team Pooch - Oct 31 2024
    Pooch Admin

    Hi Irene,
    Oh we’re sorry to hear this and do hope she is doing ok! It may be that your pooch would benefit from some additional fibre in their diet, Our Health & Digestion dry food can be a good choice here as it supports a healthy gut, firm stools and the natural expression of anal glands. Please do reach out to the team at [email protected] for any further advice and guidance :)

    Team Pooch - Oct 31 2024

    Isit common for a dog to have diaharrea after an anal expression?

    Gail - Feb 26 2025
    Pooch Admin

    Hi Gail,

    This is not something that is usually common, however dogs may experience diarrhoea if stressed when travelling, or at the vets. This can also occur with a diet change, or if new supplements were started. Do always reach out to your vet for further guidance if you are at all concerned :)

    Team Pooch - Feb 26 2025

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