Our Joint Supplement Survey: The Results

Updated 10 October 2024
Read time: 6 mins
article author
Written by Charlotte Niblett
article author
Reviewed by Dr. Emma Scales-Theobald PhD
Canine Behaviour Expert

As a dog pawrent, there’s nothing worse than noticing your once bounding, excitable pup showing signs of slowing down.

Just like humans, once dogs get into their twilight years they’re unable to run as fast as they used to, and their joints in particular can start to get a little rickety. The best thing you can do is help relieve their pain, make them as comfortable as possible, and help them gain a little more movement again. That’s where we’re here to help!

As a part of our mission to get dogs of all ages in top form, our team of vets and experts here at Pooch & Mutt developed a Joint Care Supplement that’s as tasty as it is beneficial. But to showcase just how life-changing these little tablets can be, Pooch expert Dr Emma Scales-Theobald, PhD conducted an experiment where suffering pooches trialled our joint supplements for 6 weeks, and reported back on their results.

We would say we were astonished at the results - but, we already knew how great they were! But just to show you how powerful they can be, we thought we’d break down our findings for you…


What we did: Our Methodology


We reached out to dog pawrents across the UK with dogs who suffer from Osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis in dogs is a disease that breaks down the cartilage between joints. Just like humans, dogs need cartilage to cushion flexible joints and stop them from bumping and grinding into each other during movement.

When cartilage is worn away, joints can touch and wear the bones down. These cause symptoms such as pain, inflammation, swelling and an inability to run or jump. Many factors can cause Osteoarthritis in dogs like weight or trauma, but it can also develop with old age.

Once we had our set of dogs, we asked their pawrents to fill out a questionnaire on how exactly Osteoarthritis impacts their pooch’s everyday life. We particularly focused on their quality of life, the severity of their pain and how much it interferes with their everyday doggy activities.

We then provided our Joint Care Supplements and sent them the same questionnaire at week 3, and again at week 6. This was so we could measure the impact of the joint pills, and understand any significant improvements over time.


The Paw-ticipants


We wanted our trial to be as representative as possible, so made sure to use a range of dog breeds, large and small, to get a broad spectrum of results. The dogs that took part in our survey were made up of 17 breeds overall, including:

  • Akita
  • Beagle
  • Belgium Malinois X Alaskan Husky
  • Blue Blood Bulldog
  • Border Collie
  • Border Terrier
  • Cane Corso
  • Chihuahua
  • Cockapoo
  • Dachshund
  • German Shepherd (x3)
  • Labrador (x4)
  • Patterdale Cross,
  • Saluki Cross
  • Springer Spaniel
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  • Whippet

16 of these pooches were male and 6 were female.


The Results


As previously mentioned in our methodology, we focused on three main areas when assessing the effectiveness of our joint supplements.

We asked at both 3 weeks, and at the end of the trial whether pawrents found that their pooch was showing signs of improvement. Especially concerning their quality of life, pain severity and interference in everyday life.

We won’t keep you waiting on the results any longer - let’s get into it!


Improving quality of life


72% of owners rated their dog’s quality of life as ‘Excellent’ or ‘Very Good’ after 6 weeks, compared to 32% at the beginning of the trial


When asking our dog pawrents to assess their dog’s quality of life, we asked them to rank using the following descriptors: Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good and Excellent.



Our assessment found that after 6 weeks of being on our Joint Supplements, almost two-thirds (64%) of owners saw a statistically significant increase in their pooch’s quality of life.

When the trial ended, almost three-quarters of the dogs (72%) were ranked to have an ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’ quality of life, compared to just about a third (32%) at the beginning of the trial.

A lot of what we love about our dogs is their energy, their companionship and their excitement over the little things. For pooches who suffer from joint problems, this can certainly put a spanner in the works and a dampener on their spirit.

That’s why, as dog lovers, it’s our job to do what we can to put that spring back in their step. You’re never going to get those spritely puppy days back, but there’s no reason for tails to stop wagging!


Dampening pain severity


After 6 weeks, 82% of owners reported seeing a reduction in the
severity of their dog’s pain.


Osteoarthritis and joint pain can vary in severity, and it may come down to the type of condition they have, or their size and breed.

That said, any joint pain in our pooches is a cause for concern, so we wanted to showcase how much our joint supplements can help alleviate severe pain stemming from joints or arthritis.

Within the questionnaire we handed to pawrents, we asked them to rate their dog’s pain severity on a scale of 1-10, 10 meaning their dog is in extreme pain. This question was put to them at the start of the trial, at 3 weeks and then at 6 weeks.

At the end of the trial, results showed that most dogs had a significant statistical drop in their reported pain severity.

Nearly 9 in 10 dogs (87%) of pawrents noticed a reduction in their pooch’s joint pain. When the trial ended, over 4 in 5 dogs seemed to benefit from a reduction in pain severity.


Helping pain interference


After 6 weeks, 86% of pawrents reported seeing a reduction in how much their dog’s pain interfered with the dog’s daily lives.


No matter how severe their joint pain is, it can easily affect your pooch’s everyday activities. Whether it’s going for a walk, playing fetch or even just jumping down from the couch - achy joints can really flip your dog’s everyday life upside down.

In our questionnaire, we asked the pawrents to rank, on a scale of 1-10, how much their dog’s pain impacted their daily life and activities.

After 3 weeks, it was found that the dogs had a statistically significant reduction in how much their pain interfered with their daily lives.

At the 6-week mark, almost 9 in 10 (86%) of owners reported seeing a reduction in how much their dog’s pain impacted their everyday life.

When the daily activities were broken down, it was found that:


Activity Saw a reduction (%)
General Activity 82%
Enjoyment of life 73%
Ability to rise to standing from lying down 59%
Ability to walk 77%
Ability to run 77%
Ability to climb stairs/doorsteps etc 73%


All-important pawrent feedback


The great numbers and results are one thing, but the overjoyed feedback from loving dog pawrents takes the cake! So don’t just take our word for it, here’s what some of our pawticipants had to say regarding our pooch Joint Supplements:


Pawrent No. 1

“I’ve noticed a difference in Teddy’s mobility over the last few weeks. He’s doing very well, he’s taken to the supplements like a ‘pup to water’. I’m really proud of him.

Although the tablets are big, they’re so easy to snap into two, I just add them to Teddy’s food and he eats them, which is something that he didn’t do with alternative brands- he’d eat around them, leaving them in the bowl. Overall, I’m really happy with the Pooch and Mutt Joint Care Supplements and will continue to use them.”

Pawrent No. 2

“My dog is no longer limping, she seems to really enjoy eating the supplements, whereas with others I’ve tried before I’ve had to put them straight down her throat in order to take them. Overall, I’m really pleased with her progress following a completely ruptured cruciate ligament.”

Pawrent No. 3

“He's enjoying the supplements, I've started mixing them through his food now instead of giving them to him with cheese slices and he's wolfing his food down, not noticing the crushed tablets at all so he's not noticing a change of taste or anything which is fantastic.

He's moving a lot quicker, more enthusiastic now and I definitely feel I can see a change in him. He's been on them for nearly two months now. So grateful for them!!”



Ensuring optimum health and happiness for your pooch starts with what goes into their tummy. Whether it’s a nutritious everyday diet or the added supplements that give them an extra boost. A top-notch diet can do wonders for your dog’s overall health, it’s all about finding the right ingredients. But do not stress, Pooch & Mutt are here to do all the hard work for you. To explore our entire dog food range, peruse our collections of wet food, dry food, dental sticks, chews, treats and other supplements.

For further information about our study, please contact our team of experts.

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