We rave a whole lot at Pooch & Mutt about the importance of healthy dog poop, but today, we’re talking butts.
Does your dog scoot their bum along the floor sometimes? Do they seem irritated by a sore or itchy butt? If so, they could have issues with their anal glands.
In this article, we’ll go into the various anal gland issues for dogs and their link to nutrition and diet. With our help, you can find the best food for your dog’s anal glands and get to the ‘bottom’ of the problem.
Firstly, what does it mean for a dog to have anal gland issues? Let’s start with the purpose of anal glands in the first place…
The anal glands sit where you’d expect them to, just inside the anus. These anal glands have important functions: they secrete a stinky liquid that allows dogs to mark their territory, and also a lubricating mucus to help your dog’s poop pass through easily.
Issues occur when these anal glands get overly full or become blocked, which can cause discomfort in your pooch and lead to infections.
Here are some examples of anal gland problems in dogs:
Impaction - When mucus thickens and hardens inside the anal glands, causing swelling and blockages.
Infection - This can happen when the glands aren’t expressed properly, or the pooch gets a yeast infection (potentially from an unhealthy diet or food allergies).
Recurring expression problems - Some dogs have anal glands that regularly dysfunction and need continual treatment and attention.
Abscesses or fistulas - If anal gland issues go untreated, it may lead to more acute symptoms such as abscesses.
Tumours - This is rare, but some anal glands might be affected by a tumour(s) developing in the anus. If they have issues with their anal glands, you might find your dog drags their butt along the floor. This is because they likely feel discomfort or pain and are trying to soothe themselves. You may also notice:
Anal gland issues in dogs can be caused by a number of things, so you should always see a vet to diagnose them properly. Though it’s not always the cause, diet can have a significant impact on whether problems develop, worsen or reoccur.
Food allergies or intolerances can increase the risk of your pooch getting an infection in the anal glands, as can too many fatty, sugary foods.
A diet that is low in fibre, or otherwise lacking in nutrients can also contribute to blocked anal glands in dogs. This is because fibre and a healthy balance of nutrients create poops of a firm consistency, which will naturally express the anal glands as they pass. Soft or loose stools caused by a lack of nutrition will move right through, meaning the glands aren’t used and become overly full.
If your pooch tends to get anal gland issues, putting them on a nutrient rich diet that supports their condition should be a top priority. These are the essential factors when choosing a diet for dog anal glands:
High fibre. Fibre is your dog’s best friend when supporting healthy digestion, bowel function and poops. High fibre foods such as sweet potato, apple and broccoli create firm poops which will naturally express the anal glands.
Quality proteins. Lean, high-quality proteins like turkey, chicken and fish will help your pooch stay full while maintaining a healthy weight. Avoiding weight gain or obesity in your dog helps reduce strain on the anal glands.
Omega-3 fatty acids, such as in fatty fish or salmon oil is a super healthy ingredient in the diet. It plays an important role in reducing inflammation in the body, as well as promoting skin, organ and gland health.
‘Superfood’ such as pumpkin is great for dogs, as it’s packed with fibre, has a high water content and is a natural dewormer (it contains cucurbitacin which helps kill off parasites in your dog’s digestive tract).
Hydrating foods will increase moisture content in your dog’s diet, contributing to healthy digestion and poops.
Lots of fresh water in bowls around the house, and available on walks, should help your dog get plenty of hydration to aid healthy digestion and defecation.
So what can you give to your pooch that will avoid, rather than trigger, their anal gland issues?
Dogs who suffer from anal gland issues because of food allergies or intolerances can thrive on a grain-free diet, grain being a common trigger for digestive issues and infections. Our Veterinary Food for Food Allergies is suitable for dogs with anal gland issues because of its gut-soothing ingredients that avoid common allergens.
Our dog food for sensitive stomachs may also work wonders, as it’s full of healthy, digestive ingredients that contribute to improved gut function and regular, firm stools. Our Health & Digestion Wet Food, for example, contains quality proteins turkey and herring as well as a burst of prebiotics.
If you’re gathering new foods to support your dog’s healthy anal glands, here are some ingredients you should be avoiding:
Low quality filler ingredients, such as those found in cheap dog food. This is only going to stress your poor dog’s body and mess with their digestion. Low quality ingredients as well as preservatives, sugars and nasties will exacerbate anal gland issues.
High fat, sugary foods as they can slow down digestion and contribute to unhealthy poop consistency, resulting in full or blocked glands. Unhealthy fats and high levels of sugar will only worsen anal gland issues, so lean, high quality and nutritious foods should be a priority. Avoid human leftovers and fatty or sugary treats.
Common allergens such as red meat, grain, dairy etc. could trigger your dog’s body and contribute to inflammation or infection in your dog’s glands. Be sure what you feed your dog is nutritious, safe, and easy for their body to process.
When you know that your pooch has anal gland issues and you’ve picked out new food, it’s important to transition them slowly into their new diet to avoid a stomach upset.
Your dog’s butt-scooting could be due to impacted or full anal glands. If your pooch gets frequent anal gland issues, some adjustments to their diet might be needed.
A diet for healthy anal glands in dogs is usually high in fibre, full of high-quality proteins and omega-3 fatty acids. They should also get plenty of hydration from water and/or moisture-rich foods.
Food allergies can exacerbate anal gland problems - it could be worth putting your dog on a grain-free diet in order to curb common food allergens. Chat to your vet for more about this.
Always take your dog to a vet for a proper diagnosis of their anal gland problems. It could be due to diet, but there may also be an underlying health condition or illness.
Your dog might have full anal glands if they seem distressed or uncomfortable in the butt area. They will show this by scooting their bum along the ground, excessively grooming or licking the area, having trouble pooping, or showing a change in appetite. There might also be an unpleasant smell.
Anal glands should express naturally when poops of a healthy consistency pass through. If they are full or blocked and need to be manually expressed, this should usually be done by a professional such as a vet, and they will know how often this should occur. Get in touch with your vet as soon as you notice anal gland issues in your dog.
Hydration is really important for boosting your dog’s digestive function, as moisture ensures poops are of a good consistency and pass through easily, which is good for the anal glands. You might choose to switch from dry food to wet food to boost moisture in your dog’s diet - make sure you do this gradually over 7-10 days to avoid them getting a stomach upset.
If your dog has food allergies, this can negatively impact anal gland health in a few ways. For one, if your dog’s allergies lead to poop inconsistency, this can mean their anal glands don’t get adequate natural expression and may become full or infected. Secondly, inflammation of the digestive tract (due to your dog’s body trying to fight allergies) may mean your dog’s anal glands become inflamed or infected, too. If your dog gets food allergies, they will likely benefit from a specialist dog food for allergies so they only receive gentle, non-triggering ingredients.
Yes - if the anal glands are impacted or infected, it might cause your pooch discomfort to have pressure put on them (during defecation, or through manual expression of the glands, for instance). The anal glands must be expressed if they’re full or blocked (by a professional, such as a vet), so that pain or discomfort for your dog is lessened.
Dogs that are sensitive to common food allergens, such as grain, may be more at risk of developing anal gland issues. In this instance, going grain-free could be a beneficial move for your dog’s diet - and therefore bum health.
That said, some pooches have continual issues achieving healthy poop consistency, and may require a grain-inclusive diet to help with this. Chat with your vet about your individual circumstances, and they can suggest the best route for your pooch.
To pack your dog’s diet full of high-fibre foods, try Pooch & Mutt’s Health & Digestion range - made with nutritious, whole ingredients to boost a dog’s digestion and ensure healthy, firm poops.
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Comments (10)
Please can you help. My dog suffers with blocked annual glands which she has emptied regularly, she is on a high meat protein food but has put on weight,so which is the best food to get her weight back of, but will also be high meat and protein for her glands
Hi Chris,
It might be worth taking a look at our Health & Digestion dry food, which is high in fibre and contains a protein level of 24%. You can follow feeding guidelines for a target weight, which would then help with weight loss. If you would like to discuss this further, reach out to the team on [email protected] :)
Hello, I have a 6 year old cocker spaniel who have anal galds issues most her life. Just wonder which does food is best for her with pooch mutt please. Thanks
Hi Danya,
Our Health & Digestion dry food may be a good choice here as this is high in fibre promoting healthy stools and digestion thus supporting those that may experience anal gland issues. If you would like to discuss suitable options further, do reach out to the team on [email protected] :)
Hi my dog has pancreatis so would this food be low in fat if so what would you recommend. He has 1 anul gland that keeps filling up quicker than the other
Thank you
Hi Sam,
For dogs with pancreatitis, it is generally recommended that they stick to a low-fat dog food, to help prevent future flare ups. Foods should contain less than 18% fat, and some vets will recommend diets containing less than 10% fat for dogs who seem very sensitive to dietary fat or who’ve had severe pancreatitis episodes in the past.
Our Gastrointestinal food contains 15% fat and the Health & Digestion contains 12% fat, so is potentially appropriate for those with pancreatitis, depending on what your vet has recommended.
My.dog got fishy anal glands cleaned and vet Said all is well. But since that cleaning he has emitted very foul fecal smell from his bottom all week. He’s eating and drinking and pooping ok. It’s not gas it’s a full time very stinking smell. Called vets office they will see him Monday if he starts acting in pain or not pooping. I have no idea why he smells so bad coming out if his rear. Help. They seem to think it’s not to worry about. But I do.
Hi Susan,
We are so sorry to hear this! You are definitely doing the right thing by consulting with your vet as this will help rule out any medical issues. We do have many foods and supplements which can also help with anal gland issues and if you would like any further guidance, please do reach out to the team at [email protected] :)
Hi there , I’ve switched my old dog to an expensive dry food . At first I didn’t know that she should have been introduced slowly to food . Cut it back and have added veggies to it . It’s been nearly a month and she seems to be struggling pooping and leaks a little out her butt and it stinks. Anal glands are ok . Do you think it’s the food ? Had her on raw chicken food before and was fine . Was told that as the wet food was suitable for dogs and cats wasn’t appropriate . Please help I’m desperate and so is my old dog 🐶
Hi Lisa,
If you are changing your dog’s food we recommend that you introduce the new food gradually, starting by replacing 25% of their existing food for the first 2-3 days, then 50% for a further 2-3 days, then 75% for a final 2-3 days before feeding 100% of the new food. If your pooch does still have issues, this could be that she is sensitive to one of the ingredients or may be better suited to an alternative. If you would like any further advice and specific recommendations, please do reach out to the team at [email protected] :)
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