Pooch and Mutt's expert trainer, Jon, is here to explore ways you can effectively discipline your puppy without damaging your bond and having counterproductive effects.
As angelic as they may look, there are times when your pup will display problematic behaviour which, if not reprimanded, will become an ingrained habit. That said, there is a certain why you should reprimand a puppy to ensure you avoid instilling anxiety and damaging your bond.
Disciplining your puppy
- Discipline can be a scary word, especially when associated with cute puppies! It implies a very strict, controlled and ordered regime or life.
- When training your pup and correcting behaviour, invest time, energy and patience in teaching your dog how to behave in many situations. Recognise, reward and praise desired behaviours.
- Most importantly, be calm, measured and quiet in your overall relationship with your dog. This can be difficult for some people, but it is worth trying. Keep your dog sensitive to your voice and energy.
- This measured approach, over time, will create a resource of sound and energy. You can use this in a controlled way to positively and negatively reinforce behaviour.
- Dogs and puppies understand noise and space as a form of communication, both positively and negatively. You need to be an effective communicator in either scenario.
- Puppies don’t understand the resentment and stress commonly attached to doing something wrong and being reprimanded for it. It is super important for the effectiveness of the process that you return to a relaxed, happy calm demeanour immediately after you have achieved your aim.
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