Can dogs eat celery?

Updated 03 March 2025
Read time: 7 mins
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Written by Corinne Homer
article author
Reviewed by Dr. Linda Simon
Team Vet

The answer is yes, dogs can eat celery.

Humans tend to associate this crunchy green vegetable as a low calorie snack food, and it’s the same for dogs, too. The only caution is to be thoughtful about how you prepare celery, as it can be tough for them to munch on and even be a choking hazard. Read on to learn more about how to safely give celery to your dog.

Is celery good for dogs?

Yes - celery is low in calories and does contain nutrients that are good for pooches. Let’s go into the health benefits of celery for dogs.


What are the health benefits of celery for dogs?

Low calorie. As celery has barely any calories, it’s great for a dog on a weight management plan or a pooch susceptible to weight gain.

Hydrating. Celery has a high water content (around 95%!) so can contribute to your dog’s daily hydration levels.

Great for oral health, as it’s crunchy (so can remove debris on a dog’s teeth) and can help freshen breath.

Vitamin A. Great for a dog’s eye health, supporting vision in low light, and improves coat and skin. It's also good for their immune system.

Vitamin C. Helps reduce inflammation and helps protect cells from damage. It can also help improve overall immune function in dogs.

Vitamin K. Plays a key role in blood clotting and bone health.

Folate (Vitamin B9).  Important for a dog’s cell growth and metabolism.

Potassium and Manganese. For fluid balance, nerve function, and a dog’s muscle health, as well as bone support and metabolism.

Source of fibre. Helps a pooch produce firm poops, improves gut health and supports digestive regularity.



Can puppies eat celery?

Celery might not be an ideal snack for a puppy, as it’s tough to chew and could be a lot for puppy teeth. If you want to feed celery to a puppy, chop it into puppy-sized pieces and introduce it slowly as a new food.


When is celery unsafe for dogs?

Celery is unsafe for dogs when served in large amounts as it can cause a stomach upset.

It’s also a diuretic, so although unlikely, it might cause bladder issues in a dog if served in large portions.

It’s also not a good idea to give a stick of celery to your pooch as they may swallow it whole and/or choke - made worse by the fact that dogs don’t digest raw vegetables very well. Chop it into bite-size pieces to be safest.


Can dogs be allergic to celery?

Yes, dogs can be allergic to celery, though it’s rare.

If your pooch hasn’t eaten celery before, give them a small piece and watch over them for a few hours for any untoward effects. If they show any of the following symptoms, don’t feed them celery again:

  • Gas and bloating
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Respiratory issues, wheezing
  • Swelling, redness of the skin
  • Lethargy, change in behaviour


Can celery make dogs sick? 

Not really - but celery can make dogs unwell if they are given too large of a portion, the same with any food.

Too much celery can give a dog gas, bloating and toilet problems, so only give them a small amount in bite-sized pieces as a snack.

Also, don’t ever feed a dog a whole celery stick, as if they swallow it whole it could cause a blockage that is super hard for them to digest. 


How to safely give celery to your dog?

To give your dog the safest possible portion of celery, make sure it’s fresh and wash it under a tap.

Chop the celery stick into bite-sized pieces and give it to them alongside their normal food or in a small bowl.

The celery must be plain without salt or seasonings; though you could make it more of a treat by adding a small amount of cream cheese or some dog-friendly peanut butter. 


How much celery can dogs eat?

How much celery your dog can eat depends on their age and breed, but generally a small dog should only have a few bite-sized pieces of celery at a time.

A larger dog can handle a bit more, such as a stick of celery chopped into pieces.

Don’t feed celery to your dog every day, but you can mix up their diet with a range of healthy fruit and vegetables. Ask your vet for specifics if you’re not sure. 


Can dogs eat celery raw? 

Yes, dogs can eat celery raw.

When raw it provides vitamins A, C and K and it’s a hydrating source of fibre. Munching on celery stalks is also great for a dog’s teeth and oral health. However, be aware it is harder for dogs to digest raw veg. Make it easier for them by serving celery alongside their regular dog food, and being sure it’s always chopped into pieces. 


Can dogs eat cooked celery?

Cooked celery is fine for a dog to eat - just as long as it’s not flavoured with salt or seasonings. It will be easier for your pooch to digest this way, however it won’t have as many nutritional benefits as when served raw (raw celery contains vitamins C, A and K, as well as fibre and minerals). 


Can dogs eat celery sticks?

It’s not recommended you feed your pooch a whole celery stick - though it could be deemed a useful ‘chew toy’, and the crunchiness is great for their oral health. However, it also poses too much of a choking hazard.

A whole celery stick, if consumed, is also a risky blockage in a dog’s digestive tract. However, cut into pieces, celery is a crunchy, healthy snack for a dog with some lovely health benefits. 


Can dogs eat celery leaves? 

Dogs can eat the entirety of a celery including the leaves, stalk and seeds; it is a non-toxic vegetable to dogs.

The leaves are actually very flavourful and can be served plain and chopped into pieces, just like the stalk itself. However, don’t feed a huge portion of celery to a pooch, or feed them celery every day - it could cause them digestive issues or cause them to urinate more often than they should. 


Can dogs eat celery with peanut butter?

Yes, if the peanut butter is free of xylitol and suitable for dogs, it can be a delicious, crunchy treat for a pooch!

Celery is nutritious due to its mineral and fibre content as well as vitamins A, C and K - and it’s low calorie, so it's good for dogs on a weight management plan. However, it can be tough to digest, so adding a bit of peanut butter can make it more of a treat. 

Try to opt for peanut butter is organic, with no preservatives or added sugars - and most importantly, check the label for Xylitol.

 If the peanut butter has this artificial sweetener, don’t give it to your dog, as Xylitol is toxic to dogs and can cause liver failure. Chop the celery into pieces and spoon a bit of peanut butter into the ‘furrow’ for a nice little treat.




Let’s recap! 


  • Celery is a safe, non-toxic snack for your dog, with nutrients that support things such as their immunity, digestive system, bone, eye and muscle health.

  • It’s low calorie, so great for dogs that gain weight easily, yet also hydrating as it’s 95% water. It’s also great for a dog’s teeth and breath.

  • Be sure to chop a celery into bite-sized pieces so a dog doesn’t choke on it, and don’t feed them a huge portion to avoid stomach issues.

  • Raw celery is the most nutritious, but cooked celery can be digested more easily. In either case, serve the celery plain with no seasoning. 


What other foods can dogs safely eat? 

If you like the sound of celery but want to experiment with other healthy snacks, try the following for your dog!

Peanut Butter dog treats. Your dog gets the irresistible peanut butter taste with all the goodness of healthy, grain-free dog treats

Apple. A source of fibre and vitamins that’s sweet, crunchy and tasty. 

Carrot. Great for dog’s teeth as it’s crunchy just like celery, with lots of vitamins and minerals to boot. 

Dental sticks. If you want to boost your dog’s oral health, dental sticks for dogs are a great way to keep them entertained while strengthening their teeth and freshening breath. 


If you’re looking for delicious treats for your dog that are packed full of nutritious, whole ingredients to keep them happy and healthy, check out our healthy dog treats.

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