Why does my dog nip and play bite?

Updated 04 March 2025
Read time: 4 mins
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Written by Elle Padgham
Communications Lead
article author
Reviewed by Dr. Linda Simon
Team Vet

Whilst our beloved pooches can't string a sentence together, they often find other ways to communicate with us - whether that's through a wagging tail, or an opera-worthy howl at an empty food bowl.

However, how they choose to show affection, distaste or play can sometimes transform into a problematic habit. Particularly when it comes to nipping, biting and how they explore the world with their chompers.

In the right context, mouthing can be a healthy form of play for dogs but the older and bigger they get, it can become an issue, especially outside the home.

We're here to explore why dogs nip, mouth and play bite, and what you can do to successfully tackle it.


Why does my puppy nip, mouth and play bite?

It is a normal part of young dog’s development to nip, chew and test boundaries.

Puppies explore the world with their noses and mouths and like to nibble on the world around them.

For some, this behaviour continues into their adult years.


Why do older dogs nip, bite and mouth?

There are a range of reasons your dog may continue to nibble and nip including:


Most of the time, we are dealing with a cheeky dog who is having a bit of fun. They don’t likely realise just how sharp their teeth are and how sensitive our skin can be.

For them, mouthing or a play bite often results in a hand or foot that moves and a loud yelp; what fun! The more we react, the more they are likely to think it is all a big game.

How to approach play-biting

Work hard on not reacting and making your hand or foot limp when they bite it.

Act disinterested and don’t make noise. Dogs will quickly find this reaction boring.

When they play nicely, give them lots of praise and training treats to encourage them.


From about the ages of 4 to 7 months, dogs are teething.

This can be uncomfortable, and chewing can provide some relief.

Dogs will choose anything from shoes, toys or even us to satisfy their need. To steer them on the right path, make sure they have plenty of teething toys and puppy chews. 

How to tackle chewing during teething

As well as shopping around for teething toys that you can use to redirect chewing, one top tip is soaking a flannel or cloth in doggy-safe broth (or gravy that does not contain any garlic or onion) and popping it into the freezer. 

Once frozen, you can give it to your dog as an enriching treat that will ease any gum inflammation and provide a welcome distraction to their aching mouths.


For many dogs, being ignored is their idea of hell. Some would actually choose negative attention over no attention at all.

So, they may learn to chew on furniture because they know it gets a reaction.

How to tackle attention-seeking chewing

You can avoid this negative behaviour by ensuring your dog is kept occupied with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation.

Reacting in any other way, including picking them up and telling them no, is giving them the attention they crave. The best way forward is to deter them and teach them the correct behaviour through exposure and positive experiences.


Nervous dogs may nibble and chew in an effort to ‘self-soothe’. They may also lick their paws or howl.

If you are concerned your dog is anxious, speak to their vet. They may well benefit from interventions such as a behaviour modification programme, calming supplements and a calming diet, like our Calm & Relaxed range. You could also use our Calming Probiotic Meaty Treats to reward desired behaviour.



A more extreme version of this would be separation anxiety; whereby dogs become highly stressed when left alone.

Some will chew so much that they damage your property and their teeth. This disorder requires professional attention from trainers, behaviourists or advice from your vet.


Bad habits

For some, chomping and chewing has been going on for so long that it has simply become part of everyday doggy life.

What may have started as a tool to ease the pain of toothing can become a lifelong bad habit if not nipped in the bud.

When you've successfully detered your puppy from opting for nipping and biting to get your attention, reward them with some tasty dog treats when they do as we ask. This kind of positive reinforcement training works well as dogs inherently like to please their owners.



Remember that a dog using their mouth to bite and nibble is a normal part of their development. It is up to us to direct them towards something more positive and to encourage the kind of behaviour we want to see!

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