Training Video: How to teach your puppy to 'drop it'

Updated 20 February 2025
Read time: 2 mins
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Written by Charlotte Niblett
article author
Reviewed by Elle Padgham
Communications Lead

Pooch and Mutt's expert trainer, Jon, is here to take you through, step by step, how to teach your puppy to 'drop it'. 

In our training video, Jon walks us through one of the most important commands you can teach your puppy - to drop whatever they have in their chops! Not only does this come in handy in other training, like teaching them how to fetch, but can also keep them safe (if they've managed to get their paws on something they shouldn't).

How to teach your puppy to drop it: Top Tips

  • The best way to teach the 'drop it' command is with food or play.

  • The drop it or out command needs to be a muscle memory; an immediate response to your words. So, it is a behaviour we want to keep reinforcing regularly throughout our dog's life, even after puppyhood. 

  • When teaching through play, you can reward the puppy with the toy/ball they are giving up.

    Using two toys at once, stop playing but don’t let go of the toy. Immediately the toy in your other hand becomes active and entices the puppy to switch.

    As they let go of the toy, pair with the command you want to use ‘drop it’.

    Eventually, phase out using the second toy and just offer the original toy back with a ‘yes’ command.

  • When teaching using food, you can get some of your pup’s treats and a to and then engage puppy with the toy or let them play with it.

    With treats in your hand, put it near the dog’s nose, paired with the command you want to use ‘Out’.

    When the puppy ‘outs’ the toy to take the food, pair the action with the word you want to use.

    Do lots of short sessions and eventually you won’t need food on show for your puppy to ‘drop it’. 

  • Once your puppy understands what the ‘drop it’ command is, they should never be rewarded for dropping stolen goods. Simply take the item away.

  • Never chase a puppy when they have stolen something. They are learning they can get away from you. Calmly herd them into an area where they can’t get away.


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