Can dogs eat Cucumbers?

Updated 29 May 2024
Read time: 5 mins
article author
Written by Corinne Homer
article author
Reviewed by Dr. Linda Simon
Team Vet

Yes, dogs can eat cucumbers! They are a fantastic, refreshing snack for dogs. Not only are they low calorie and great for hydration, they’re a rich source of vitamins and nutrients to keep your pooch’s body functioning and strong. Read on for all the answers on feeding cucumber to your dog.

Is cucumber good for dogs?

Yes, cucumber is very healthy for dogs. It’s made up of 90% water so is brilliant for hydration, and is low calorie and low fat. Basically, having your pooch chow down on a refreshing portion of cucumber will bring almost no risks, only benefits. 

What are the health benefits? 

Let’s get into the health benefits of cucumbers for dogs. 

  • 90% water - We’ve said it and we’ll say it again - as cucumbers are mostly water, that transfers into your dog’s digestive system and helps hydrate them throughout the day. 
  • Low calorie, low sodium, fat-free  - Cucumbers are super low fat, so a great choice if you’re managing your pooch’s weight or cholesterol. In fact, one half-cup of cucumber is only 8 calories, compared to 40 in a standard dog biscuit.  
  • Soluble fibre - Cucumber flesh is packed with soluble fibre which easily absorbs into a dog’s body, keeps the gut microbiome healthy and boosts their digestive processes. 
  • Vitamin K - Helps to clot blood and heal bones. Dogs don’t produce this nifty vitamin on its own, so must get it from food, such as cucumbers. There’s also some vitamins A, C and B5 found in cucumber.
  • Potassium - Fuels the ‘electrical charge’ to a dog’s nerves and muscles, helping them walk, jump and run. 
  • Manganese - Helps build and maintain a dog’s bones and cartilage in joints. It also helps absorb proteins and carbs, and stimulate enzyme function to boost their overall energy.
  • Copper - Contributes to a pooch’s healthy skin, fur and connective tissue, as well as absorbing iron and regenerating red blood cells.
  • Phytonutrients and phytochemicals - Neutralise free radicals, boost antioxidants and even freshen your dog’s breath.

When is cucumber unsafe for dogs?

As with anything you feed your dog, don’t overdo it. Though they’re one of the more harmless healthy snacks for dogs, cucumbers are full of water and too much of it can cause a stomach upset in your pooch. 

Also, serve cucumbers plain. Some cucumber in Chinese dishes comes cooked and slathered in sugar or soy sauce. Avoid this form of cucumber; fresh is always best.

Can puppies eat cucumbers? 

Sure - cucumber is a healthy, crunchy snack for a growing pooch. Just be sure to remove skin and seeds (these may be too much for puppy teeth), and serve plain, chopped into small pieces for puppy mouths. 

Can dogs be allergic to cucumbers?

It’s unlikely, but dogs can develop allergies to cucumbers. Give your pooch a small piece if they’ve not eaten it before, and watch for any adverse reactions, such as the following: 

  • Bouts of diarrhoea or vomiting
  • Skin reactions such as reddening, itchiness or a rash
  • Swelling 
  • Stomach pain or bloatedness
  • Ear infections 
  • Breathing issues (wheezing, etc.)

Can cucumbers make dogs sick? 

As above, cucumbers can make dogs sick if they’ve developed an allergy to it. Of course, if the cucumber is past its freshest, then it might cause a stomach upset, so make sure you always feed fruit and vegetables that are ripe and crisp. Cucumber should also be eaten as a snack or treat, and fed in moderation - not used as a meal replacement - to avoid making your dog unwell. 

How to safely give cucumbers to your dog?

So long as the cucumber is ripe, it will be safe to give to your hungry pooch. You can give your dog a half cucumber so they can chew on it like a carrot or dog chew toy, or chop into bite-sized pieces. Leaving the skin on is not only safe, but recommended  - the skin is where all the nutrients are! 

How much is safe to give your dog? 

The amount of cucumber you feed your dog will depend on their breed, size and health condition, but you should treat cucumber as if it were a snack or treat. Snacks and treats should ideally take up about 10% of your dog’s regular diet. 

What types of cucumbers can dogs eat? 

Cucumbers are pretty standard in the way they’re served - raw and fresh is always best! Here are some breakdowns as to the different parts of cucumber you can feed your dog: 

Can dogs eat cucumber raw?

Yes, it’s preferable! A raw cucumber retains all its nutrients and goodness, such as potassium, vitamin K and soluble fibre, and is the healthiest and safest way to feed cucumber to your dog.

Can dogs eat cucumber skin?

Dogs can and should eat the cucumber skin, if their teeth allow it! The skin is where a cucumber’s nutrients are densest, and where most of the fibre is. Just be sure it’s cleaned thoroughly, so there is no dirt or pesticides on the skin. 

Can dogs eat cucumber seeds?

It depends. A lot of dogs can eat the whole cucumber - skin, seeds, the lot! If your dog has digestive issues however, or if they’re a puppy, it’s best to remove the seeds as they can be tricky to digest unless your pooch is in full health. 

Can dogs eat pickles?

A pickled cucumber won’t harm a dog as an occasional snack, especially if it’s plain. Don’t give your pooch any pickles that are marinated in garlic, chilli or other sauces or seasonings; these are all ingredients that are very toxic to dogs. 


Cucumbers are a hydrating, nutritious snack for dogs - especially as a summer treat! It’s fine to serve a cucumber with seeds and skin, as all of it is rich in vitamins and soluble fibre that help keep your dog healthy. 

Just feed in moderation as a snack, not a meal replacement, and be sure the cucumber is fresh and chopped into a manageable portion.


What other foods can dogs safely eat?

If you’d love to feed your dog crunchy cucumber but are wondering about alternatives, why not consider the following? 

If you’re looking for healthy dog snacks or easy ways to diversify your dog’s diet, check out our range of healthy grain-free treats for dogs. 

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