Can dogs eat Courgette?

Updated 19 April 2024
Read time: 6 mins
article author
Written by Corinne Homer
article author
Reviewed by Dr. Linda Simon
Team Vet

Yes - dogs can eat courgette, or zucchini as it’s also known. These green, nutrient-dense veggies are actually really safe for dogs, as well as healthy. 

Let’s go into all the benefits of courgette for dogs, and how to serve it to them safely. 

Is courgette good for dogs?

Yes! Courgette is versatile as it can be fed as a snack or part of a main meal for dogs. It can be served raw or cooked, it’s full of nutrients and generally really safe for a pooch to eat. 

What are the health benefits?

Let’s unpack all the benefits of a tasty courgette snack for dogs:

Packed with dietary fibre to aid a dog’s digestion, improve bowel movements and firm up poops.

Low calorie, so an excellent choice for dogs on a plan to manage their weight.

High water content to hydrate your pooch and give a sense of fullness.

Vitamins C and K are great for boosting the immune system, as well as skin, blood and bone health.

Potassium is integral for balancing electrolytes, nerve and cellular function.

Lots of antioxidants to fight off free radicals and protect the immune system.

Can puppies eat courgette?

Yes, puppies can eat courgette too. The dietary fibre will improve their digestion and antioxidants will boost their immune system. As with any new food, keep an eye on your pup after they’ve eaten it to make sure they don’t suffer any digestive issues. Don’t overfeed courgette to a young puppy, and cut it into tiny pieces to avoid the risk of choking. 

When is courgette unsafe for dogs?

Courgette can be deemed unsafe if you’re feeding too much of it, or if you’re not offsetting it with a balanced range of other fruits, veggies and proteins. Just feeding one of any type of food makes it unsafe - include it in a well-rounded pooch diet and you’re good to go. 

As ever, you shouldn’t feed courgette to your dog if it’s been seasoned or coated in sauces or spices; it should always be served plain.

Can dogs be allergic to courgette?

There’s a chance your dog might have an allergic reaction to courgette, in which case you should stop feeding it to them straight away. When feeding your pooch courgette for the first time, watch them in the hours following to be sure they don’t develop any of these symptoms…

  • Reddening, itching, swelling of the skin
  • Vomiting or diarrhoea
  • Bloating, pain in stomach
  • Wheezing, difficulty breathing
  • Lethargy, change in behaviour

Can courgette make dogs’ sick?

It’s unlikely courgette will make your dog sick - it’s a nutritious, tasty veggie and one of the best things to feed your pooch to keep them happy and healthy. If it does, it’ll likely be for one of these reasons:

  • It was spoiled/rotten. Just like humans, dogs require fresh food that’s clean and at its best, or they could become ill. 
  • It was coated in seasoning/spices/sauces that could irritate your dog’s delicate digestive system or trigger a reaction.
  • Too much courgette will potentially give your pooch a stomach ache. Be sure they get a suitable portion for their breed and size, and they get a good range of other foods throughout the day.
  • If your pooch has an allergy to courgette, this could present as sickness.

  • How to safely give courgette to your dog?

    To safely serve your pooch a delicious courgette portion, be sure the courgette was washed and fresh, has been chopped into manageable pieces, and don’t add any seasoning, oils or sauces. The courgette can be served raw or cooked - if it’s cooked, then lightly roasted, grilled or steamed is the best method. 

    How much is safe to give your dog?

    How much courgette your dog eats is dependent on their breed or size - but make sure it’s just a fraction of their regular food, not the main bulk of a meal. Variety is key when it comes to a dog’s healthy diet. Chat to your vet if you aren’t sure how much courgette your dog should eat. 

    What kind of courgette can dogs eat?

    Courgettes are pretty samey across the board, but here are a few questions about different courgette serving suggestions for dogs so you can be sure you’re giving it your pooch in the safest way. 

    Can dogs eat raw courgette?

    Yes they can, as raw courgette is super healthy for dogs. When it’s raw, it packs the biggest nutritional punch, however it is also harder to digest than cooked courgette. For this reason, chop it up into munchable, digestible pieces, don’t add any seasoning and don’t give too big a portion, so your dog’s tum can process it easily.

    Can dogs eat cooked courgette?

    Yes, courgette is safe for dogs either cooked or raw. If you want to cook courgette for your pooch, it’s best to only lightly cook it to retain its clever nutritional benefits. Try lightly steaming it, oven-baking it, or frying it lightly with a smidge of low-fat oil. Don’t add any salt or other seasonings. 

    Can dogs eat courgette skin?

    Yes, in fact it’s preferable. The courgette’s skin holds a lot of its nifty health benefits, such as dietary fibre, great for helping your dog digest and poop; as well as lots of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. 

    Can dogs eat courgette leaves?

    They can eat the leaves of the courgette. Remove and chop the leaves, serving them up alongside the raw flesh and your dog will get all the tasty benefits of the entire vegetable. 

    Can dogs eat courgette fritters?

    Any kind of deep fried courgette should be avoided, as these snacks tend to have a high fat and salt content, while the nutritional value of the courgette becomes diminished. Stick to fresh courgette either raw or cooked. 


    In conclusion, courgette is a delicious, nutrient-rich vegetable and a fantastic choice of healthy food for dogs. You can serve it to your dog raw or cooked - just be sure it’s plain, without sauces or seasonings, and chopped into munchable pieces and included as part of a balanced diet so your dog gets the maximum benefits.

    What other foods can dogs safely eat?

    If you like the sound of courgette for dogs but would like to know of alternatives, try the following healthy dog-friendly foods:

    Carrot is a crunchy treat for a pooch, packed with dietary fibre and vitamins and useful for dental care.

    Apple is full of healthy fibre for a dog while being a tasty, low fat treat.

    Broccoli has lots of vitamin C and antioxidants as well as other vitamins and minerals. 

    For nutritious, irresistible food that dogs love, try our range of grain-free dog foods and healthy natural dog treats; specially formulated to be gentle on a dog’s body and keep them happy, energised and healthy. 

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